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Saturday, November 21, 2009

4 Months OLD

4 months can seem like an eternity when your baby is screaming at the top of her lungs and nothing you do helps, but it can also seem like the blink of an eye when you look back over those 120 or so days and remember the happy moments. Jacey-Kate's personality has really come alive over the last couple of weeks. She's always smiling and giggling which makes us laugh. The stage she's in right now has her putting anything and everything her little hands can get ahold of in her mouth. She's found her feet and usually holds onto them when we're changing her diaper. One of her mommy's favorite things is watching her focus in on a toy that's in front of her and then bringing her little tiny hands up to grab ahold of it. She's just precious. Russ taught her how to kick a soccer ball this week. Every time he put the ball in front of her foot, she kicked it. She's a natural....just like daddy!!! We started giving Jacey-Kate homemade applesauce with baby oatmeal. She loves it and eats a lot!!! We spent Russ' birthday in Asheville at the Grove Park Inn. He had to attend a conference for work there, so Jacey-Kate and I tagged along. We were lucky enough to have lunch with Jill Hawkins at the Biltmore which was so much fun. We're looking forward to Thanksgiving with the Kiefer's, they fly in tomorrow. We have SO much to be thankful for!

1 comment:

Joey Potter said...

I give thanks for Jacey-Kate & her parents...
Thanks God!

father potter