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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Jacey-Kate Update


Lots of good news to report...

1. Jacey-Kate's genetic testing came back normal.
2. Surgery is scheduled for Monday, August 31st and we get to spend the night at Scottish Rite.
3. Our sweet girl smiled for the first time this past Sunday!!

We feel very confident moving forward with her surgery and are excited to see what her nose will look like after Dr. Burstein operates. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. We'll keep you posted on her progress.
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Holly :) said...

Such cute pics!!! We will definitely be praying for all of you on August 31st and in the coming days. That is great news about the genetic test results! Love you all...

Twila said...

We will be praying for little Jacey Kate! Can't wait to see her new nose...I know it will be just want you want!!! I will be praying for peace and comfort for you guys!!! It is going to be great! Love you three!