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Monday, August 10, 2009

1 Month Check-Up

Jacey-Kate weighed in at 9 lbs and 7 oz when we went for her 1 month check-up this morning. Her parents were shocked to hear that she has also grown 3 inches and her height is in the 75% for her age. We have a healthy little girl that we're so thankful for and couldn't imagine life without her.

The three of us went to Georgia's 1st birthday party yesterday afternoon. We had so much fun, like we always do, even though Jacey-Kate slept through most of it. :-) As you can tell, Jacey-Kate is a daddy's girl, unless of course she's hungry! Next year we'll be sure to keep Jacey-Kate a little more awake and hopefully Georgia's birthday will be in Serenbe.


Kelsey said...

Mrs. Kiefer she is so cute! Mom and I were trying to come down to see yall this week but I got a cold and did not want to infect any one. I can not wait to see her!

Twila said...

So so cute...getting so big...I thought there would be another post on are we just doing month to month now??? :) I can't wait to see her...let me know when you get the plan made...I can't wait!!! :)