Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 15, 2009

Baby Shower Weekend

I'm so blessed to have such amazing friends and family. My sister-in-law and mom's Skylake friends hosted a shower for me on Saturday afternoon. We had so much fun! As I opened each gift, I asked for each person to give me advice on being a new mom. I enjoyed hearing from all the ladies and am thankful for their advice.

Sunday afternoon, Grandma Faye and I drove down to Atlanta for another shower that my mom's friends hosted for me. We played a few baby games, had wonderful food and enjoyed being together. I've posted the pics from the showers. Thank you to everyone that was able to attend, it meant so much to me. Not much longer now!!!

1 comment:

Leigh Collins said...

Awe such great pictures! And your mom and Grandma Faye look so good too! Please tell them Hi! I got your thank-you note and on the same day I received the other part to your gift (a Bumbo Play Tray). Some how they shipped the Bumbo to you, but then shipped the tray to me - who knows! I'll send it your way later this week!